Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Very Hungry Caterpillar Kinda of Party.....

 So the much awaited and anticipated 1st birthday party of mister Preston was yesterday. Being a "crafty" person, I have fun planning and organizing and making things for parties.
Let's back track, Aiden's 1st birthday party was at Gymboree and was the Mod Monkey theme, it was so much fun. Then his 2nd birthday was at our house in the backyard and was toy story themed, another fun party. His 3rd birthday party was at the park in our neighborhood and was Thomas the train themed. Then in May we had his 4th birthday party and was a soccer theme party at a gymnastics place.
So when I was trying to think about where to have Preston's first party I could not decide on where to have it. I wanted to have it somewhere that I could decorate and would be fun for all ages. I thought about a pool party but we have no pool in our backyard or in our neighborhood. So I asked my sweet friend Monica if we could rent her clubhouse in her neighborhood and have a pool party there. After picking a day and checking to see if the pool was open we got it confirmed and decided it was a great party spot.
So my first thing to do was get the invites made and done and sent out. So I of course turned to my creative friend, Abby and she designed this card for me. Check out her business, she is awesome!

I knew I had wanted to do the VHC theme for awhile's such a cute theme and you can do so much with it.
So I started the planning and ordering and borrowing and making.
There was VHC stuff filling up my house in what felt like every nook and corner.
I was buying things left and right and getting everything together for what felt like forever. By the time Saturday (party day) came around I was already tired. But I was so excited to see my vision put together and share it with family and friends.
I decided I wouldn't let the people who couldn't come bother me or the ones that RSVP and couldn't show up last minute bother me either. As some sweet friends reminded me it was about Preston and celebrating that sweet little blessing. I was done worrying about not having enough food or too much food. It was going to be a great, fun and happy day.

Party day and I worked so hard on making sandwiches, chicken salad sandwiches, ham and cheese and pb&j. And of course there was going to be a LOT of fruit because there was fruit in the book and kids love fruit.
As I left all the boys here and went to go pick up balloons and ice at the grocery store. Left the house about 10-15 minutes later than I wanted and stood in line to get balloons a LOT longer than I wanted and arrived to the clubhouse 25 minutes later than I had anticipated. I rushed in and the party "helper" helped me unload and set up. Along with my super sweet friend Monica with her very active 2 yr old daughter. Together we got everything set up and just in time.

Had to snap a quick picture of this handsome boy before he ran off with all his friends and wouldn't slow day. (It was smart because he did just that)

Borrowed table cloth, yay and thank you Melissa G.

I ordered that cute banner from a shop on etsy called Pickles n Pinwheels and the shop owner was great to work with.

The candy table, before it got a table cloth. I had to take a quick picture because once the first child walked by it, it was never the same. Big hit with the kids, not so much with the parents, lol.

This table held pictures, party favors and the letters ONE that were used in his 1 yr portraits. Also 2 stuffed animal caterpillars and a jack in the box caterpillar that Melissa G. let me borrow. The kids LOVED to play with the caterpillar jack in the box.
                          The party bag labels were also made by Abby from Divulge with Flair.

              The fabric rag tie I have hanging across the frame (that my friend Laura made from Splendor) I used scrap VHC fabric that I bought from a friend and business owner Heather (she made Preston's shoes and tie and high chair banner, more on that later).

                              Month to month caterpillar came from Pickles N Pinwheels as well.

     The SUPER adorable caterpillar cake, came from my super sweet friend, Monica. She is famous for her cake pops but I special requested this as I knew the small red cake would be perfect for his "smash cake". There isn't anything she can't tackle when it comes to sweets. Check out Cake Pops by Monica.

Finally the birthday boy arrived with my mom, husband and Aiden. He was trying to take it all in. And while he was, his Nana was stealing some kisses and love.

 Preston's onesie was from another shop on Etsy (can't you tell that is my go to one stop shop), Stasweet Custom Stitches. The crib shoes came from Heather at Lo Lo and Olive.

                                  Grandpa J, trying to get a smile out of a very serious Preston.

                                               The food table, fruit, fruit and more fruit.
                                                                              Drinks !

                                                                    Daddy and Preston

I had the very hungry caterpillar playing, not that anyone noticed, but it is a cute and short DVD.

 First day of "Autumn" and yes I had a pool party because in Texas it was 91 degrees. I hear the water           was kind of cold but it didn't stop our party guests from swimming.

            Buckets to fill up with candy, although the kids thought it was a self serve candy bar.

 Mason jars were the center pieces with M&Ms and a 1 candle and more of the scrap fabric I bought.

 My sweet friend Laura (AKA miss project hope and splendor shop owner) and her super sweet and sassy Bella girl (thats Aidens bday buddy).

                     My sister, not happy to be photographed and her daughter, my niece Storey.

                                 More party guest, baby Olivia is another September birthday.

We caved in and let the bday boy swim. Good ol Daddy got in the water with him.

Party guest and water baby.

My very special and sweet friend Monica. My lifesaver and go to helper with this party !!

Preston is not to sure about Grandpa J's beard.

Laura is always so beautiful and ready for a photo.

Our blurry family picture, Kathleen tried. :-)

                              Big brother thought it was fun to eat the cake with his fingers too.

                                                                       SOOOO BIG !!!!

Sharing lollipops.

Big brother more into opening presents than the birthday boy.

Preston was done and ready to go home I guess.

                              Over due for his pm nap and way too much excitement for one day.

Home alas and the looks on these two stinkers faces tell me it was a successful party.

9 pm Saturday night I was DONE, TIRED and BEYOND TIRED.
Well worth it and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.