Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1st Day of School

So after Christmas last year I decided to look around for a p/t school program for Aiden to go to. Life with mom and a baby brother can be pretty dull for a 3 (almost four yr old) I looked at a church close to our house and it seemed perfect for us and him. He was so excited and he started as soon as they came back from winter break. He went two days a week, Monday and Wednesday from 9-2. The school/church is about 2 min from our house. It is perfect, because are not morning people over here.
He loved it and never fought me about going.
The elementary school near us does not offer a Pre-K program so we decided to keep him at the church's Mother Day Program that he went to last year. I have to admit my favorite part about signing him up last year was getting to do and make fun pinterest projects and gifts for the teachers and his class parties. (hehe)
We went to meet the teacher last week. He was shy but knows a few of the kids from last year. I could tell the teachers were going to be great and he would have a blast.
Today was his first day of Pre-K/MDO. He was so excited with his new spiderman backpack and Thomas the train nap mat.
Look at this handsome face.....
 (He is just like his mama, the sun is too bright for us)
Ok so being a pinterest addict, I liked the idea of the first day of school sign and asking them what they want to be when they grow up. It will be so interesting to see how it changes. When I asked him yesterday he said he wanted to work with cars and help his Daddy to fix them. LOL. My husband doesn't actually work on the cars but writes up the tickets when people bring their cars in to get serviced. My husband thinks it's cute, but we are definitely hoping he will change his mind on the career choice :)

From a singer to a service advisor in 9 months time. Although 2 weeks ago when I asked him he said police officer, lol.

Aiden and his teacher Ms. Kristen. The stinker didn't want to smile. SMH

Aiden with both his teachers, Ms. Brandy and Ms. Kristen.....still no smile. Oh well at least there wasn't tears.

Preston and I are enjoying our quiet morning :-)

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