Thursday, August 9, 2012

Stretched to Thin

I know that everyone feels stretched to thin every now and then. Being a mom of 2 boys, one that crawls and gets into EVERYTHING and a 4 yr old that lately has non stop energy, plus a husband, home to tend to and a business sometimes is a bit much for this mama. 
I try not to let it but sometimes the demands of everyday life leave me feeling at the end of the wondering if I gave everyone the best of me. 
Today was one of those days. My oldest woke up later than usual at 10:40 and was not feeling to good. He had an upset stomach. This did not fit into our plan for the day. I had errands to run and we had friends to meet at the pool. So he literally planted his body on the couch with blankets and didn't move for almost 2 hours. I went ahead and pack us all up and went to run my quick errands, he was a champ and survived them all. Then we arrived at our final destination, the pool and he lost his cookies (well apple juice really). But after that he was 100% better, ate lunch by the pool and swam with his friends like a fish.
A much needed afternoon of fun. I think that's why I fought for us to go. I want to be the fun mom that knows when it's time to take a break from house work and bow making and spend quality time with my kiddos.

It's funny how much things change in a year. Last summer when I was pregnant with that water baby. We would go the pool at least once a week with our sweet friends and the kids would play and I got to have adult conversations while lounging in the water. Ha, not anymore. Packing up for the pool takes on a whole new meaning and chasing that water baby is enough to wear out an Olympian. Needless to say this was our first time meeting this summer at the pool and summer is almost over. How sad.

Look at the fun going on. Makes my heart happy to see my kids having fun.
Tonight I go to bed knowing that I did my best, my kids are happy and the house work mostly got done and my work will have to pick tomorrow.

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